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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Array ( [0] => Array ( [pin_google] => Array ( [address] => UAE [lat] => 23.424076 [lng] => 53.847818 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJvRKrsd9IXj4RpwoIwFYv0zM [name] => Emirati Arabi Uniti [country] => Emirati Arabi Uniti [country_short] => AE ) ) [1] => Array ( [pin_google] => Array ( [address] => Qatar [lat] => 25.354826 [lng] => 51.183884 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJf-jc_zTFRT4RMkArgc-I-hw [name] => Qatar [country] => Qatar [country_short] => QA ) ) [2] => Array ( [pin_google] => Array ( [address] => Bahrein [lat] => 26.0667 [lng] => 50.5577 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJEaJHak5SSD4RRhDa2-JQlC4 [name] => Bahrein [country] => Bahrein [country_short] => BH ) ) [3] => Array ( [pin_google] => Array ( [address] => Kuwait [lat] => 29.31166 [lng] => 47.481766 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJoVHqvj82xT8R0u3Yks1rcnQ [name] => Kuwait [country] => Kuwait [country_short] => KW ) ) )